The fraud awareness online assessment can assess how aware your staff are of the potential of fraud. Bribery act key facts are also tested in this assessment. All organisations have a requirement to ensure their staff have this awareness and our online assessment can provide objective data. When all staff are assessed on the knowledge and understanding, the results can feed into organisational development and training plans. Our fraud awareness online assessment is an excellent tool for organisations to identify and improve their staff skills in this area. Individuals may also wish to undertake the assessment to identify their skill levels and enhance their CVs.
This is one of a range of online competency assessments available, and bespoke assessments can also be developed to target specific areas of staff knowledge required by organisations.
This online assessment provides access to our assessment tool; three attempts at our online questionnaire; and a feedback report showing the level of competency achieved in two areas – underpinning knowledge and practical application. A free trial of the online competency assessment tool is available.
The content of the assessment include:
• Definitions of Fraud
• Fraudulent Activities
• The Fraud Triangle
• Internal Fraud
• External Fraud
• Bribery Act
• Money Laundering
• Fraud Response Plans
• Whistle Blowing
• Consequences of Fraud