Business planning online assessment assesses how well your staff are able to develop realistic business plans, particularly within a public sector or non profit environment.
Business planning is fundamental to long term sustainability and viability. It should set out the organisation’s objectives and how those objectives will be achieved over time. Business plans should also link planned outputs with the inputs required to deliver them. Particularly financial plans should support the business plan. Staff need to have an understanding of business planning and how to prepare business plans for their services. The online assessment will identify whether or not staff have the relevant knowledge and abilities to do this.
Our business planning online assessment is an excellent tool for organisations to use to identify and improve their staff skills in this area. It is one of a range of online competency assessments available. Bespoke assessments can also be developed to target specific areas of staff knowledge required by the organisation.
The business planning online assessment provides access to our assessment tool; three attempts at our online questionnaire; and a feedback report showing the level of competency achieved in two areas – underpinning knowledge and practical application. A free trial of the online competency assessment tool is available.
The topics covered in the assessment include:
• Business Planning Process
• Attributes of a Business Plan
• Business Plan Contents
• Risk Assessment
• Developing Action Plans
• Linking the Business Plan to Financial Plans
• Business Plan Implementation
• Monitoring, Review and Revision
• Business Planning Cycle