Online Competency Assessments are an Ideal Tool for Recruitment

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Recruitment can be a very costly exercise, particularly when it relates to management positions. In particular, the public sector has limited resources and cannot afford mistakes. Some candidates appear to be highly qualified, and do well at interview, but do not perform well when appointed. HB Publications and Training International has a competency assessment tool which can be used to identify levels of both skills and knowledge required for the post, and how well the candidate can apply these. Our assessments are online and can therefore be used at any time. They have been used internationally where candidates have been able to take the assessments in advance from any location as part of the short listing process. It provides an objective measure which is very important within the public sector to ensure fairness. HB Publications and Training International has developed content specifically for public sector organisations for the last 25 years, and understands the objectives led approach for non-profit entities. We are therefore able to develop bespoke assessments to measure competency levels required for specific roles according to the job descriptions and organisational requirements. For more information and to discuss using our assessment tool just contact us at

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